Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Look Ma! No Disciples (Part Three)

I was scanning the water vigilantly. Three of my kiddos were out there, and I wasn't about to take my eyes off of them. Yes, at least eight lifeguards lined the edges of the wave pool. But I'm not much of a lifeguard kind of gal. Never have been. So when the waves started, and a lifeguard blew his whistle, I was on my feet. I only had eyes for them.

To lifeguards, my kids are just a few in the crowd.
But to me, each one is a gift, a jewel with its own unique facets, that only I can see after countless hours of observation.
Trust my kids to a lifeguard?
Not a chance.

So I don't trust the kids to lifeguards...
or Sunday school staff...
or youth group leaders...
or teachers...

One day, we will give an account for our children to God...
Unlike lifeguards, who will never give an account.
Nor will Sunday school staff...
or youth group leaders...
or teachers.

I previously blogged that homeschooling is in trouble.
And I've gotten wonderful feedback.
And it has been forwarded to battle-weary co-ops in totally different regions where the homeschooling homeschoolers are finally gaining victory over the non-homeschooling homeschoolers!
And a new generation of homeschooled graduates is also taking up the cause!
That excites me. It excites me because I want to see us close the door on these Dark Ages of homeschooling and return to the Golden Age.

But there are more things to say.
Harder things to say.
Things that risk giving offense.
Things that still tug at my heart and weigh it down.
So, despite the opposition, Brett has urged me to continue the series.

Why do I care about your homeschool?
Because I care about discipleship.
No, there's no "thou shalt homeschool" in the Bible.
But Moses told us on that side of the Cross to disciple our children when we sit down, stand up, walk along the way.
And Jesus told us on this side of the Cross to make disciples of all men. Given the principle of moral proximity, I think our children are the first among all men. Judea comes before the uttermost ends of the earth.
No, there's no verse...
but, in my home, I don't know how to effectively accomplish those commands any other way.

Studies (Rainier Research and the Barna Group) say that Christians are failing at a rate of 80% to raise up the next generation of genuine believers.
That's why I care about homeschooling.
That's why I care about non-homeschooling homeschoolers watering down a genuinely good thing.
That's why I care about people who challenge us to "bring our children home" and then proceed to usurp and intimidate and manipulate.

We are parents.
We are the best Sunday school staff...
the best youth leaders...
the best teachers.

We are the ultimate lifeguards.

Yeah, I'd think we'd all be more concerned with discipleship.

More to come...
Much more.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! This isn't a hard post to read because I agree. But, I remember being a homeschooler and worship leader and marathon runner and feeling just fine about it. Until one day I read a book that stepped on my toes. I was mad. What? I'm not a wholehearted mother because I am leading a ministry and counting down the hours until I can go for a ten mile run???!! I spend ALL day with my kids. I DESERVE this time away. Ha!!!!

    It's hard. I have friends who do the one day academy. Friends who drop their kids off at VBS, and friends who public school. Honestly, I struggl with their decisions because I just happen to believe that God has called ALL mothers to be wholehearted mothers. If the Holy Spirit convicts me about ministry outside of my home, it seems He would do the same to other moms. There is ONE Holy Spirit, right? :) The more I dive into the homeschool world, the more I see homeschool moms stressed and fearful. It's discouraging. I understand field trips. I understand sports. But, I struggle to understand why Homeschooling moms choose to outsource their job to others. It goes against the very word! Homeschool!

    This will sound very harsh, but I believe I can say it. I was there. I was the Mom not willing to fully engage. I was the Mom who constantly needed a "break". So the hard part is this. Moms are not willing to listen to the Holy Spirit. They justify their choices and the world accommodates them.

    Didn't mean to take over your comments, but I feel passionate about things like this too.

    Thank you for always making me think DEEP!
