Friday, June 6, 2014

Fear Not Part Two

This is an addendum to my last post.

There are a lot of good reasons to walk around in fear. We live in a fallen world, after all, and the brokenness of our world hurts.

Our mind is threatened by vain philosophies and distorted gospels.
Our spirits are hurt by broken relationships and sin.
Our bodies are hurt by disease and crime and accidents and forces of nature.

Danger lurks in the bedroom via an unbiblical view of sexuality and marriage.
Danger lurks in the kitchen via microwaves and Monsanto.
Danger lurks in the office via cell phones, social media, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

We can't even go for a good, old-fashioned walk without  fearing critters, pesticides, and too much sun.

But...if we parent out of our fears, we are not going to raise safer kids. We're going to raise neurotic ones. I think we may be doing a disservice to our kids if the focus of our homes is 'safety'.

If we junk the television
or buy  car seats with 17 point harnesses
or slather them in sunscreen
or forbid social media
or hide the candy
or don't own a microwave
or clean everything with vinegar
or make them wear bike helmets
or load them down with herbs
or teach them to distrust the government
or hide from the neighbors
or put a water filter on the hose
or move to Timbuktu
or have a curfew
or helicopter parent...

...we are not guilty of sin.
I'm not saying that.

But I am saying that may be there is a trust issue.

Maybe we don't trust that God put us and our families right here, smack in the middle of the twenty-first century, with twenty-first century challenges. And trying to make our homes little replicas of Eden is not going to keep our families safe. Believe it or not, some of our fears might actually materialize. We might suffer for living in this broken world. That's what it all means.

And there are lots of legitimate reasons to fear for our children,
Unless you are a believer,
In which case there are ZERO legitimate reasons to fear
Because God is sovereign and good.
He does everything for His glory and our good.

And if He let 'it' happen to you, no matter what your 'it' is, it is for His glory and your good.
So I'll say it again.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28. 

Ain't skeered.

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